Sunday, July 3, 2011

Snake Fingers

Shout out to one of my fellow Bloggers! This post is crazy! Makes me feel like a creature of the earth...

To Tipota: Snake Fingers: "Since you seemed to like my previous post, and since my hands still smell of my grandpa's feet to which I just gave a warm massage, here's a..."

Portland, OR Electro DJ

A few months ago I flew over to Portland to visit and friend and saw this kid DJ a party. He is phenomenal! Just givin' him a shoutout, he has some excellent taste in music and a flawless mix. Check it out of you like Electro!

3l Gr3co's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free


Social Engineering

Alright everyone, I have some news for you. In the current day and age, with so many security protocols in effect and so many methods of thwarting a hacker, he has discovered a new best friend: "social-engineering." Social-engineering is anything that coerces someone into doing something you want them to, and in a hacker's context, opens up a gaping security hole. An example of this would be convincing an IT admin to click on a handcrafted link that leads them to a page that the hacker created, which may run a dirty script, exposing their computer to the hacker -- effectively bypassing all security measures. This is a huge deal and everyone who uses computers needs to get in the know. I've found this awesome site for reference, check it out in your free time:

Cheers, Max

AnonymousIRC (AnonymousIRC) on Twitter

AnonymousIRC (AnonymousIRC) on Twitter

This seems to be a fairly official press release location for the new "AntiSec" movement spurred by anonymous. For those of you who don't know, it's a group of rogue hackers trying to show the security world that they're worth nothing. I personally think it's a good way to end internet censorship. Check it out if you want. There are even some user/pass disclosures on it.

Cheers, Max.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Greetings everyone!

I just wanted to start out with a list of a few of the resources I use to stay up to date in the computer industry as well as the computer-hobbyist world. Most of them are tech blogs or news feeds, a few of them greyhat. Here they are, enjoy! (Subreddit for network security) (Weekly videos about hacking) (Gizmodo, everyone knows it) (Backtrack Linux PenTesting Forums)

That's all for now.



Hello everyone!

I am Max, and relatively new to blogging, however well experienced in the IT world. I figured it was time to get on board with the younger generation of computer users and write a blog.
Most of these posts will probably be about IT in some way, shape, or form. I am very interested in a lot of greyhat and blackhat topics, so it may include that as well, just as a disclaimer. I have always been a large part of the security world, and that's where this interest stems from.

Anyway, the first real post will be coming soon. Welcome to my life!
